2023 | Spicer, M.E., A.A. Royo, J.W. Wenzel, and W.P. Carson | Understory plant growth forms respond independently to combined natural and anthropogenic disturbances. | Forest Ecology and Management 543(3): 121077 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121077 |
2022 | Swartz, K.A., T.C. Weathers, N.M. Zembower, D. Wu, A. Kautz, B. Stouffer, J.W. Wenzel, and J.E. Carlson | Genetic Variation and Conservation Implications in Pennsylvania for the Rare and Imperiled Buffalo Nut (Cervantesiaceae; Pyrularia pubera Michaux). | Annals of Carnegie Museum 87 (3), 235-248 | |
2022 | Kautz, A.R., M.R. Louw, C. Bartley, J.C. Morse, and J.W. Wenzel | Macroinvertebrates.org: Creating a Digital Teaching Collection of Common Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Eastern North America | American Entomologist 68: 28–31 | https://doi.org/10.1093/ae/tmac012
2021 | DeGroote, L.W., E. Hingst-Zaher, L. Moreira-Lima, J.V. Whitacre, J.B. Slyder, and J.W.Wenzel | Citizen science data reveals the cryptic migration of the Common Potoo Nyctibius griseus in Brazil. | Ibis 163:380-389 | |
2021 | Noll, F.B., M. da Silva, R.A. Soleman, R.B. Lopes, Y.C. Grandinete, E.A.B. Almeida, J.W. Wenzel, and J.M. Carpenter. | Marimbondos: systematics, biogeography, and evolution of social behavior of neotropical swarm-founding wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae:Epiponini). | Cladistics 37: 423-441. | |
2021 | Perry, K.I., F.S. Sivakoff, K.F. Wallin, J.W. Wenzel, and D.A. Herms. | Forest disturbance and arthropods: Small-scale canopy and understory disturbances alter movement of mobile arthropods, | | Ecosphere 12(11):e03771.10.1002/ecs2.3771 |
2020 | Rangel, J., B. Traver, M. Stoner, A. Hatter, B. Trevelline, C. Garza, T. Shepherd, T.D. Seeley, and J. Wenzel. | Genetic diversity of wild and managed honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Southwestern Pennsylvania, and prevalence of the microsporidian gut pathogens Nosema ceranae and N. apis. | | Apidologie. Doi:10.1007/s13592-020-00762-5. |
2020 | Wenzel, J. W. | Nest structure: Social wasps. | | 14pp, In: Encyclopedia of Social Insects, C. Starr, (ed.) doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90306-4_146-1 |
2020 | Wenzel, J. W. | Le SRAS et le COVID-19 nont pas de lien avec les civettes et les pangolins. (SARS and COVID-19 do not come from civets and pangolins). | Bulletin de la Société Française de Systématique 62: 14-22. | |
2020 | Wenzel, J. W. | Origins of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 are often poorly explored in leading publications. | Cladistics 36: 374-379. | doi.org/10.1111/cla.12425 |
2019 | Harrington, M. C. R., M. Tatzgern, T. Langer, and J. W Wenzel. | Augmented reality brings the real world into natural history dioramas with data visualizations and bioacoustics at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. | Curator: The Museum Journal 62:177-193. | |
2019 | Slyder, J.B., J. W. Wenzel, A. A. Royo, M. E. Spicer, W. P. Carson. | Post-windthrow salvage logging increases seedling and understory diversity with little impact on composition immediately after logging. | New Forests, doi.org/10.1007/s11056-019-09740-x | |
2018 | Curtze, A.C., T.A. Carlo, and J.W. Wenzel. | The effects of a tornado disturbance and a salvage timber extraction on the seed-rain and recruitment community of an eastern temperate deciduous forest. | Northeast Naturalist, 25: 627-645. | |
2018 | Harrington, Maria C. R., J. W. Wenzel, M. Tatzgern, T. Langer, M. Oliver, B. Isaac, A. Guffey, Z. Bledsoe, C. Jones, R. Dinic, R., and M. Tiefengrabner. | The AR Perpetual Garden Apps. | | Apple iTunes App Store, or Google Play App Store, developer: The Carnegie Institute, URL available on demand. |
2018 | Krishnadas, M., N.G. Beckman, J.C. Zuluaga, Y. Zhu, J. Whitacre, J.W. Wenzel, S.A. Queenborough, and L.S.Comita. | Environment and past land use together predict functional diversity in a temperate forest. | Ecological Applications 28.8: 2142-2152. | DOI: 10.1002/eap.1802 |
2018 | Perry, K.I., K.F. Wallin, J.W. Wenzel, and D.A. Herms. | Forest disturbance and arthropods: Small-scale canopy gaps drive invertebrate community structure and composition. | | Ecosphere 9: e02463, doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2463 |
2018 | Spicer, M.E., K. F. Seuss, J. W. Wenzel, and W. P. Carson | Does salvage logging erase a key physical legacy of a tornado blowdown: A case study of tree tip-up mounds? | Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48: 976-982. | Dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2018-0037 |
2018 | Wenzel, J. W. | Dr. Eleanors Book of Common Ants. [Book review]. | American Entomologist 64: 125 | |
2018 | Wickert, K.L, A. M. Metheny, D. D. Davis, D. M. Geiser, J. W. Wenzel, D. Planinsek, and M. T. Kasson. | First report of Fusarium stem canker on Pyrularia pubera, a rare native parasitic shrub in forests of southwestern Pennsylvania. | Plant Disease 102: 1852. | |
2017 | Perry, K. I., K. F. Wallin, J. W. Wenzel, and D. A. Herms. | Characterizing movement of ground-dwelling arthropods with a novel mark-capture method using fluorescent powder. | | J. Insect Behavior 30: 32-47, DOI 10.1007/s10905-017-9598-0 |
2017 | Fotis, A., S. Murphy, R. Ricart, M. Krishnadas, J. Whitacre, J. Wenzel, S. Queenborough, and L. Comita. | Aboveground biomass is driven by mass-ratio effects and stand structural attributes in a temperate deciduous forest. | J. Ecology 106 (2), 561-570. | |
2017 | Angulo, E, G. M. Luque, S. D. Gregory, J. W. Wenzel, C. Bessa?Gomes, L. Berec, and F. Courchamp. | Allee effects in social species. | J. Animal Ecology 87: 47-58 | |
2017 | Harrington, Maria C. R., Wenzel, J. W., Oliver, M., Isaac, B., Guffey, A., Bledsoe, Z. and C. Jones. | The Virtual Garden Timeline Website | | https://virtualgarden.powdermill.org/ |
2016 | Andena, S. R, M. Aragão, and J. W. Wenzel. | As vespas sociais encontradas no Semiárido brasileiro. [Social wasps found in the Brazilian semiarid region]. | Pp 126-138 in Conhecendo Os Artrópodes Do Semiárido, [Understanding the arthropods of the semiarid]. F. Bravo and A.R. Calor, Eds., Métis Produção Editorial, São Paulo. | |
2015 | Murphy, S.J., L.D. Audino, J. Whitacre, J.L. Eck, J.W. Wenzel, S. Queenborough, and L.S. Comita. | Species associations structured by environment, space, and land use history promote beta-diversity within a relatively homogeneous temperate forest. | Ecology 96: 705-715. | |
2015 | Slyder, J. J. Whitacre, and J Wenzel. | Painting a clearer picture of shale gas development. | ArcNews Spring 2015: 20-21. | |
2015 | Calinger, K.M, E.A. Calhoon, H. Chang, J. Whitacre, J. Wenzel, L.S. Comita, and S.A. Queenborough. | Historic Mining and Agriculture as Indicators of Occurrence and Abundance of Widespread Invasive Plant Species. | | PLOS ONE June 5, 2015; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128161 |
2015 | Zeigler D., and J. W. Wenzel. | Paläste wie aus Pappmaché [Palaces of paper maché]. | Pages 134-137 in Wissens Dinge: Geschichten aus dem naturkundemuseum. [Knowledge of things: Stories from the natural history museum] Nicolai Press. Berlin | |
2014 | Randle, C.P., and J. W. Wenzel. | Research Note: Deer browsing threatens a locally rare parasitic plant, buffalo nut (Pyrularia pubera Michx.) | J. Pennsylvania Academy of Science 88: 231-234. | |
2013 | Carpenter, J.M., S.R. Andena, F. B. Noll, and J. W. Wenzel. | Well, what about intraspecific variation? Taxonomic and phylogenetic characters in the genus Synoeca de Saussure (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)? | Zootaxa 3682: 421-431. | |
2012 | Whitacre, J. and J. W. Wenzel. | Carnegie Museum of Natural History Pennsylvania Unconventional Gas Well Data. | | Published on the web, URL available on demand. |
2010 | Wenzel, J. W. | Les charactèrs comportementaux sont de très bons indicateurs de phylogenie. (Behavioral characters are good indicators of phylogeny) | Biosystema (Paris) 27: 3-18. | |
2010 | Wenzel, J. W. | Stepping into the light: review of "Biological Systematics - Principles and Applications" second edition by Randall T. Schuh and Andrew V. Z. Brower. [Book review]. | BioEssays 32:260-262. | |
2010 | Oliveira, O. A. L. de, F. B. Noll, and J. W. Wenzel. | Foraging behavior and colony cycle of Agelaia vicina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Epiponini). | J. Hymenoptera Research 19: 4-11. | |
2010 | Mynhardt, G. and J. W. Wenzel. | Phylogenetic analysis of the myrmecophilous Cremastocheilus Knoch (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae), based on external adult morphology. | Zookeys 24: 129-140. | |
2010 | Noll, F. B., B Gomes, A.C.O. Lima, S. Mateus and J. W. Wenzel. | Castes in the neotropical social wasp Leipomeles dorsata (Fabricius)(Hymenoptera: Vespidae): a window for workers achieving a new status in the colony. | Neotropical Entomology 39: 549-554. | |
2010 | Bucheli, S.R., S. Passoa, and J. W. Wenzel | A phylogenetic test of Ehrlich and Ravens theory of escape and radiation in insects that feed on toxic plants, based on Nearctic Depressaria moths (Gelechioidea: Elachistidae: Depressariinae), with a discussion of the evolution of genitalia. | Entomologica Americana 116: 1-24. | |
2009 | Blackledge T.A., N. Scharff, J. Coddington, T. Szüts, J.Wenzel, C. Hayashi, I. Agnarsson. | Reconstructing web evolution and spider diversification in the molecular era. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA): 106: 5229-5234. | |
2009 | Mynhardt, G, and J. W. Wenzel. | Voyages of Discovery: Exploration of Plants and Animals Through Space and Time. | 32pp. Museum of Biological Diversity, Ohio State University. | |
2009 | Wenzel, J. W., and P. DeWitt. | The Struggles and the Glory of the Pre-Darwinians. | 52pp. Museum of Biological Diversity, Ohio State University. | |
2009 | Felippotti, G.T., G. M. Tanaka Junior, F. B. Noll, and J. W. Wenzel. | Discrete dimorphism among castes of the bald faced hornet Dolichovespula maculata (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in different phases of the colony cycle. | J. Natural History, 43: 2481-2490. | |
2009 | Caesar, R. M., and J. W. Wenzel. | A Phylogenetic Test of Classical Species Groups in Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). | Entomologica Americana 115: 97-108. | |
2008 | Noll, F. B., and J. W. Wenzel. | Caste in the swarming wasps: "Queenless" societies in highly social insects. | Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 509-522. | |
2008 | Wenzel, J. W. | Alien Invaders: Introduced Species And Their Environmental Impact. | 32pp. Museum of Biological Diversity, Ohio State University. | |
2008 | Song, H., and J. W. Wenzel. | Mosaic pattern of genital divergence in three populations of Schistocerca lineata Scudder, 1899 (Orthoptera: Acrididae; Cyrtacanthacridinae). | Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94: 289-301. | |
2008 | Song, H., and J. W. Wenzel. | Phylogeny of bird-grasshopper subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and the evolution of locust phase polyphenism. | Cladistics 24: 515- 542. | |
2008 | Wenzel, J. W., and G. M. Luque. | Parsimony cluster analysis in successional ecology. | Cladistics 24: 746-757. | |
2008 | Gilligan, T., and J. W. Wenzel. | Extreme intraspecific variation in Hystrichophora genitalia Questioning the lock-and-key hypothesis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). | Annales Zoologici Fennici 45: 465-477. | |
2008 | Wenzel, J. W. | Built by Animals: The Natural History of Animal Architecture. [Book review]. | Quarterly Review of Biology 83: 320-321. | |
2007 | Pickett, K. M., and J. W. Wenzel. | Revision and cladistic analysis of the nocturnal wasp genus Apoica Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Polistinae, Epiponini). | American Museum Novitates #3562, 1-30. | |
2007 | Raczkowski, J. R. and J. W. Wenzel. | Biodiversity studies and their foundation in taxonomic scholarship. | Bio Science 57: 974-979. | |
2006 | Bucheli, S.R., D. Horn, and J. W. Wenzel. | Biodiversity of Gelechioidea (microlepidoptera): Sampling to assess a re-established Appalachian forest in Ohio based on gelechioid moths (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea). | Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 503-516. | |
2006 | Naug, D., and J. Wenzel. | Constraints on foraging success due to resource ecology limit colony productivity in social insects. | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60: 62-68. | |
2006 | Abdul-Salim, K., M. Daly, J.V. Freudenstein and J.W. Wenzel. | Report on the Ohio State University workshops in phylogenetic methods. [Editorial]. | Cladistics 22: 387-389. | |
2006 | Wenzel, J.W. and F.B. Noll. | Dados comportamentais na era da genômica [Behavioral data in the era of genomics]. | Etologia 8: 63-69. | |
2005 | Pickett, K. M., S. R. Rissing, and J. W. Wenzel. | Iconoclasts of Evolution: Haeckel, Behe and Wells and the ontogeny of a fraud. | American Biology Teacher 67:270-277. | |
2005 | Bucheli, S.R., and J. W. Wenzel | Gelechioidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) systematics: A reexamination using combined morphology and mitochondrial DNA data. | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35: 380-394. | |
2005 | Pickett, K. M., G. L. Tolman, W.C. Wheeler, and J. W. Wenzel. | Parsimony overcomes statistical inconsistency with the addition of more data from the same gene. | Cladistics (21) 438-445 . | |
2004 | Wenzel, J. W. | Why I teach introductory courses. | Pages 21-28 In: Talking About Teaching. Ohio State University Academy of Teaching. | |
2004 | Wenzel, J.W., K. C. Nixon, and G. Cuccodoro. | Dites non au Phylocode! | Bulletin de la Societé Française de Systématique 31: 19-23. | |
2004 | Pickett, K. M. and J. W. Wenzel | Phylogenetic analysis of the New World Polistes (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) using morphology and molecules. | J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 77: 742-760. | |
2004 | Noll, F. B., J. W. Wenzel, and R. Zucchi. | Evolution of caste in Neotropical swarm-founding wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Epiponini). | American Museum Novitates #3467, 1-24. | |
2003 | Branham, M.A., R.A. Broadley, and J.W. Wenzel. 2003 | Bioluminescence in insects. | Pp. 33-36 In: Yearbook of Science and Technology, 2003. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York. | |
2003 | Branham, M.A. and J.W. Wenzel. | The Origin of Photic Behavior and the Evolution of Sexual Communication in Fireflies (Coleoptera: Elateroidea). | Cladistics 19: 1-22. | |
2003 | Freudenstein, J. V., K. M. Pickett, M. P. Simmons, and J.W. Wenzel. | From basepairs to birdsongs: phenotypic data in the age of genomics. | Cladisitcs 19: 333-348. | |
2003 | Wenzel, J. W. | A user's guide to the tree of life. [Book Review]. | Cladistics 19: 376-378. | |
2002 | Simmons, M.P., C.P. Randle, J.V. Freudenstein, and J.W. Wenzel. | Limitations of relative apparent synapomorphy analysis (RASA) for measuring phylogenetic signal. | Molecular Biology and Evolution 19(1):14-23. | |
2002 | Wenzel, J. W. | The role of the Willi Hennig Society in Systematics [Editorial]. | Cladistics 18: 1-3. | |
2002 | Bucheli, S.R., J. -F. Landry, and J. W. Wenzel. | Larval case architecture and implications for host plant associations in North American Coleophora (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae). | Cladistics 18: 71-93. | |
2002 | Wenzel, J. W. | Phylogenetic analysis: The basic method. | Pages 4- 30, in R. DeSalle, G. Giribet, and W.Wheeler, eds., Techniques in Molecular Systematics, Birkhäuser, Basel. | |
2001 | Blackledge, T.A. and J.W. Wenzel. | State-determined foraging decisions and web architecture in the spider Dictyna volucripes (Araneae, Dictynidae). | Ethology Ecology Evolution 13: 105-113. | |
2001 | Blackledge, T.A. and J.W. Wenzel. | Silk mediated defense in an orb-web spider against predatory mud dauber wasps. | Behaviour. 138: 155-172. | |
2001 | Pickett, K.M., Osborne, D.M., Wahl, D., and Wenzel, J.W. 2001. | An enormous nest of Vespula squamosa from Florida, the largest social wasp nest reported from North America, with notes on colony cycle and reproduction. | J. New York Entomol. Soc. 109: 408-415. | |
2001 | Branham, M.A. and J.W. Wenzel. | The Evolution of Bioluminescence in Canthariods (Coleoptera: Elateroidea). | Florida Ent. 84: 565-586. | |
2000 | Karsai, I., and J. W. Wenzel. | Organization and regulation of nest construction behavior in Metapolybia wasps. | Journal of Insect Behavior: 13: 111-140. | |
2000 | Carpenter, J. M., J. -I. Kojima and J. W. Wenzel. | Polybia, paraphyly, and polistine phylogeny. | | |
2000 | Blackledge, T. A, and J. W. Wenzel. | The evolution of cryptic spider silk: A behavioral test. | Behavioural Ecology 11: 142-145. | |
2000 | Pickett, K. M, A. McHenry, and J. W. Wenzel. | Nestmate recognition in the absence of a pheromone. | Insectes Sociaux 47: 212-219. | |
2000 | Pickett, K. M, and J. W. Wenzel. | High productivity in haplometrotic colonies of the introduced paper wasp Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Polistinae). | J. New York Entomol. Soc.: 108: 314-325. | |
1999 | Wenzel, J. W., and M. E. Siddall. | Noise. | Cladistics 14: 51-64. | |
1999 | Blackledge, T. A, and J. W. Wenzel. | Do stabilimenta in orb webs attract prey or defend spiders? | Behavioural Ecology 10: 372-376. | |
1999 | Carpenter, J. M., and J. W. Wenzel. | The relative abundance of swarm-founding social wasps in the Congo Basin (Insecta: Hymenoptera; Vespidae, Polistinae). | Natural History Bulletin of Ibaraki University 3: 9-14. | |
1998 | Wenzel, J. W. | A generic key to the nests of hornets, yellowjackets and paper wasps world-wide (Vespidae: Vespinae, Polistinae). | American Museum Novitates #3224, 1-39. | |
1998 | Karsai, I., and J. W. Wenzel. | Individual- and colony-level flexibility, productivity, and organization of work as consequences of colony size. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA) 95: 8665-8669. | |
1998 | Kojima, J., J. W. Wenzel, J. M. Carpenter. | The types of Icaria galimatia de Saussure 1853 and I. ignobilis de Saussure, 1990, with establishment of their synonymy (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae). | Entomological Science 1: 393-401. | |
1997 | Wenzel, J. W. | When is a phylogenetic test good enough? | Memoires du Museum National DHistoire Naturelle (Paris) 173: 31-45. | |
1996 | Wenzel, J. W. | Learning, behaviour programs, and higher-level rules in nest construction of Polistes. | Pages 58-74. In S. Turillazzi and M. J. West-Eberhard, eds., Natural History and Evolution of Paper Wasps. Oxford Press, Oxford. | |
1996 | Carpenter, J. M., J. W. Wenzel, & J. Kojima. | Synonymy of the genus Occipitalia Richards, 1978, with Clypearia de Saussure 1854 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Polistinae, Epiponini). | Journal of Hymenoptera Research 5: 157-165. | |
1996 | Karsai, I., Z Pénzes, & J. W. Wenzel. | Dynamics of colony development in Polistes dominulus: a modeling approach. | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39: 97-105. | |
1995 | Miller, J. S., & J. W. Wenzel. | Ecological characters and phylogenetic inference in the study of insects. | Annual Review of Entomology 40: 389-415. | |
1995 | Karsai, I., & J. W. Wenzel. | Nests built on the dorsum of conspecifics in Polistes: the value of anomolous behavior. | Animal Behaviour 50: 1429-1431. | |
1995 | Farris, J. S., M. Kallersjo, V. A. Albert, M. Allard, A. Anderberg, B. Bowditch, C. Bult, J. M. Carpenter, T. M. Crowe, J. De Laet, K Fitzhugh, D. Frost, P. Goloboff, C. J. Humphries, U. Jondelius, D.Judd, P. O. Karis, D. Lipscomb, M. Luckow, D. Mindell, J. Muona, K. Nixon, W. Presch, O. Seberg, M. E. Siddall, L. Struwe, A. Tehler, J. Wenzel, Q. Wheeler and W. Wheeler. | Explanation. | Cladistics 11: 211-218. | |
1994 | Wenzel, J. W., & J. M. Carpenter. | Comparing methods: Adaptive traits and tests of adaptation | Pages 79-101. In P. Eggleton and R. Vane-Wright, eds., Phylogenetics in Ecology. Harcourt Brace & Co., London. | |
1993 | Wenzel, J. W. | Application of the biogenetic law to behavioral ontogeny: a test using nest architecture in paper wasps. | J. Evolutionary Biology 6: 229-247. | |
1993 | Stubblefield, J. W., J. Seger, J. W. Wenzel, & M. M. Heisler. | Temporal, spatial, sex-ratio and body-size heterogeneity of prey species taken by the beewolf Philanthus sanbornii (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B 339: 397-423. | |
1992 | Wenzel, J. W. | Extreme queen-worker dimorphism in Ropalidia ignobilis, a small-colony wasp (Hymenoptera:Vespidae). | Insectes Sociaux 38: 31-43. | |
1992 | Wenzel, J. W. | What do you get if you cross a cladist with a behavioral ecologist? [Book review]. | Cladistics 8: 97-102. | |
1992 | Wenzel, J. W. | Les nids de guêpes sociale d'interêt historique conservés au MNHN Paris. [The social wasp nests of historical interest preserved in the MNHN, Paris.] | Revue Française d'Entomologie (N.S.) 14: 1-11. | |
1992 | Wenzel, J. W. | Behavioral homology and phylogeny. | Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 23: 261-281. | |
1991 | Wenzel, J.W. | The evolution of nest architecture in the social vespids. | Pages 480-519. In K. G. Ross and R. W. Matthews, eds., Social Biology of Wasps, Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca. | |
1991 | Wenzel, J. W., & J. Pickering. | Cooperative foraging, productivity, and the central limit theorem. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA) 88: 36-38. | |
1990 | Wenzel, J. W. | A social wasp's nest from the Cretaceous period, Utah, USA, and its biogeographical significance. | Psyche 97: 21-29. | |
1990 | Espelie, K. E. , J. W. Wenzel, & G. Chang. | Surface lipids of the social wasp Polistes metricus Say and of its nest and nest pedicel and their relation to nestmate recognition. | J. Chemical Ecology 16: 2229-2241. | |
1989 | Wenzel, J. W. | Endogenous factors, external cues and eccentric construction in Polistes annularis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). | J. Insect Behavior 2: 679-699. | |
1989 | Carpenter, J. M. & J. W. Wenzel. | Synonymy of the genera Protopolybia and Psuedochartergus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Polistinae). | Psyche 96: 177-186. | |
1988 | Smith, B. H. & J. W. Wenzel. | Pheromonal covariation and kinship in social bee Lasioglossum zephyrum Hymenoptera: Halictidae). | J. Chemical Ecology 14: 87-94. | |
1988 | Carpenter, J. M. & J. W. Wenzel. | A new species and nest type of Mischocyttarus from Costa Rica, with descriptions of nests of three related species. | Psyche 95: 89-99. | |
1987 | Wenzel, J. | Male reproductive behavior and mandibular glands in Polistes major (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). | Insectes Sociaux 34: 44-57. | |
1987 | Wenzel, J. | Ropalidia formosa, a nearly solitary paper wasp from Madagascar (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). | J. Kansas Entomological Society 60: 549-556. | |